3 Simple Pantry Detox Tips.

As you make choices towards a healthier you, you consider new meal plans, that fancy blender you’ve been eyeballing for months, and even load up on new workout gear. The new year inspires us to revamp our lives, our closets, or our routines…But what about something as simple as revamping our pantry?

Do you even know what’s hiding in there? What about that old can of stinky tuna sitting way in the back? It’s probably grown eyeballs. Yuck.

pantry detox

I find a sense of mental clarity + stress release from getting rid of junk. We can’t take it with us when we leave this world, so if it doesn’t really serve a purpose other than taking up wasted space, or is in the “well, maybe I might need this” category, it gets the shaft in our house. Every few months I always get the overwhelming feeling of I JUST GOTTA GET THE JUNK OUT.  Whether it be my closet, my office, or my fridge/pantry, I go to town tossing out or donating the old, unused stuff I don’t need or want anymore.

So, as you prepare your closets and your routines to fit your new goals, let’s get your pantry in tip-top shape, too. Here are my top 3 simple pantry detox tips to get you started on the right foot towards your healthier lifestyle.


Hopefully this one is a no-brainer for you, but sometimes things go under our radar and we perceive them as “healthy” when really they aren’t at all. Most all edible items that come in a package are nutrient-lacking, and as you consume them, they can actually DEPLETE you of any vitamins/minerals your body is so desperately trying to hold on to. So, what are the sneaky “health” items? “Heart healthy” cereals/oatmeal, protein bars, energy drinks, whole grains, soy based items, agave nectar, “sugar free” or “fat free” anything…be sure to read your labels for added sugars. You won’t believe the random things that have added sweeteners…pasta sauce, bread, chips, dried/frozen fruit… If you must have a little sweetness for baked goods or in your tea, add natural sources: Raw honey, 100% maple syrup, coconut sugar, stevia leaf (NOT truvia), among others… And you can tell your Splenda I hope it trips on the way out.


Rancid and poor quality cooking fats/oils are terrible for our hearts and our waistlines. This is an area that a lot of people don’t know much about, so you will most likely need to chunk EVERYTHING. Vegetable, canola, grapeseed, olive oil blends, margarine, crisco, safflower, corn, soybean…get em outta there! Restock your pantry/fridge with the highest quality + stability of fats, like beef tallow, pork lard, duck fat, grassfed butter or ghee, coconut oil, 100% pure olive oil, macadamia nut oil, avocado oil, flax oil. If you are skeptical or don’t understand why these fats make the cut and others don’t, read my recent post explaining why REAL fats are extremely healthy for you.


Feel like you get lost in the sea of spices you’ve accumulated? Weed them out. Toss the expired, sugar laden, unnatural stuff, and opt for organic fresh and dried spices + blends if you can. Spices are known to harbor toxins and grow molds, so if they are outdated or not organic, you could be regularly and subtly “poisoning” your family each time you sprinkle them on your meals. Brands like Simply Organic are super affordable. You can also buy dried spices in bulk, and if vacuumed sealed airtight allowing no moisture to get in, you can store them in the freezer to preserve freshness. If I was exiled to an island, and could only take two spices with me, hands down it would be garlic pepper + cinnamon. I seriously use those guys multiple times a day.detoxtips

I hope these tips make it easy as your transition to your healthier lifestyle! I know it can be overwhelming when deciding to take charge of your health, but making small lateral shifts in our choices will allow for us to stick the new habits we are wanting to create! Start with small swaps like these, and you will already be leaps and bounds ahead! 🙂

If you live in Midland, Texas and would like a personal pantry detox done by yours truly, contact me at info@bewellbymadison.com and I will happily work with you to getting a fresh, organized, healthy new kitchen!


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