12 Days of Holistic Holidays: Day 2.

12 days of holistic holidays

Did you have a good breakfast this morning? If not, no worries. Let’s try again tomorrow!

Anyway, Day Two of the #12DaysofHolisticHolidays is here!

holistic holidays

Keep moving!

I don’t know about you, but cold weather just begs for me to stay inside huddled under my blanket watching Netflix reruns.

Don’t become a victim of the holiday slump! Get out there and move your body. Attend a fitness class, visit the gym, lift something heavy, do some stretching. Even if its a daily walk with your dogs or jumping jacks in your living room, a little movement is better than nothing.

Used to run outside but can’t because of weather? Sign up for a hot flow yoga class! You will still build strength + endurance through the poses, your muscles will appreciate the warmth, and your joints will enjoy the time off from the constant impact of running.

Grab an accountability buddy + get to steppin’ sister!

Snowed in? Here are a few simple body-weight workouts you can do at home!

  • 100 burpees for time
  • 50-40-30-20-10 Jump Rope (or jacks) + sit ups
  • 10 Minutes of: 10 pushups, 10 sit ups, 10 air squats

Not your thing?

Try some of my favorite go-to home videos when I can’t make a class.

Tone It Up

Yoga with Adriene

Now, get up from the computer, and get that blood pumping!


Don’t forget to share your workout with us! 12hh_socialmediablurb

Check back tomorrow for Day 3 to see what healthy holiday tip you can implement into your routine next!


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