Motivation Mondays: New Mommies.

Happy Monday, friends! I’m sorry I totally dropped the ball last week on posting! Traveling throws me for a loop! Anyway, I am here and ready to get back to it!

For today’s motivation post, I wanted to offer a little encouragement towards new mommies. Well, really all moms in general. They are the home organizer, daily scheduler, lunch maker, car pool driver, problem solver, math tutor, life teacher, the glue that holds everything together and so much more.

Seriously y’all, you moms are legit superheroes.

With all to juggle and manage for your little family, I also see that new mommies are extremely hard on themselves in regards to losing that ever-looming “baby weight”.

You feel like you’ve tried everything from slim-down shakes and 24 day challenges to kick-boxing and CrossFit, and that damn extra bulge WILL NOT budge. You are frustrated, tired and annoyed that your body just isn’t what it used to be. You probably are wondering, “What am I doing wrong? Why is this so difficult?”

Let me just say this. You aren’t doing anything wrong. You are AMAZING! You did an amazing thing by bringing a human life into this world. That’s no minor thing, y’all.

Obviously I haven’t experienced this personally but I feel like a lot of women don’t recognize what a HUGE thing that is, and what our bodies can do to accomplish it. Like, seriously. It blows my mind! For MONTHS your body is preparing for this miracle, and intuitively knows what do to in order to make that happen. Amazing.

During birth, your body goes through an EXTREMELY stressful event that takes a long time to recover from. And I’m not even talking about a C-section! That is MAJOR surgery!

Stress is something we constantly live with, regardless of what is going on in your life. And when you think you aren’t making any progress, STRESS is most likely the culprit behind it.

So, if you don’t bounce back as quickly as you’d like, or you are frustrated that your body simply isn’t what it used to be, I want to encourage all of you sweet mommies to extend yourself a little bit of GRACE.

Your body took months to prepare and protect your sweet new baby–experiencing weight gain, hormone changes and all–and it is going to take that same amount of months (and most-likely plus some) to get back to where you want to be. It’s ok if you are softer around the middle or have a few stretch marks. Seriously. IT. IS. OK.

So, what do I recommend new moms do when they are trying to bounce back?

Throw away the scale. Change your perspective. Learn to love yourself as is, right now, in this moment. Extra pounds and all.

Changing your thoughts towards your body will allow itself to heal. Our minds have so much hold over how our body responds to the things we tell it. Start feeding it with good, positive, loving thoughts.

Extend some GRACE to yourself, and recognize the AMAZING thing your body did, and all of the other 87 million things that you do as mom.

You are truly SUPERWOMAN!

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Go get ’em!

2 thoughts on “Motivation Mondays: New Mommies.

  1. Sarah Clay Reply

    Hey Madison! Just now looking at your site, and whaddayaknow, you’re speaking to my heart. 😉 I’m 10 weeks postpartum and just want to get back to the old me! Thanks for the encouragement! Hope you’re doing well!

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