Detoxifying Raw Cucumber, Carrot, Apple + Beet Slaw.

Happy Hump Day! I can’t believe it is almost JUNE! Which is making the reality of my nutrition final that much more evident. YIKES.


Anyway, with summer literally at the edge of our fingertips, I thought I would share a yummy, refreshing yet detoxifying beet slaw recipe. It is light + crisp, earthy + gently sweet.

I could eat the whole bowl–it’s so damn good y’all.



Mix together equal parts coarsely grated raw beet, raw carrot, and raw green apple (grate with peels on if organic, remove if not).  Squeeze juice of one lemon over mixture and stir; add a pinch of salt to taste (optional).  Also optional:  add in some grated fresh ginger to taste!

beetsalad_003Enjoy 1-2 tbs as a complement to your favorite summer dish!

Or more…because that’s what I end up doing. HA.


What makes it so DETOXIFYING?

  • Beets, carrots, apple and lemon all contribute compounds which help to thin bile of the gallbladder and improve the liver’s ability to detoxify the blood.
  • Beets contain betanin which is a powerful anti-inflammatory antioxidant.  Beets also contain betaine which helps to thin bile and stimulate certain liver detox pathways. Beetroot juice is believed to help to regenerate liver cells and reduce fatty deposits on the liver.
  • Carrots contain both alpha- and beta-carotenes, potent antioxidants to combat free-radical damage and the precursors to making Vitamin A in the liver.  Carrots also contain Vit C, Vit K and some of the B vitamins, as well as important macro minerals like potassium, calcium and magnesium necessary for gall bladder function.
  • Green apple contains higher malic acid content, which provides additional hydrogen for the production of stomach hydrochloric acid and also contributes to the body’s energy production in the Kreb’s cycle. Apples are also rich in pectin, a fiber which binds toxins in the intestines for elimination, reducing the detox burden on the liver.
  • Lemon provides Vit C and other antioxidant compounds, provides a tangy taste, and keeps slaw from getting mushy in the refrigerator.


What are your favorite summer recipes?!

Please share them in the comments! I’d love to know!


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